

"Channelship" is a music clip from the "Vietnam Images" series. "Channelship" is the 16th original music video clip that we upload here in just as many weeks. 1 a week for 16 consecutive weeks, with original images, sound, and animation. As we have many things to prepare for the fall, uploads slow down a bit in the summer but there is plenty more to come. This clip is special in many ways but mostly, it is designed as a tribute to Mr Ronald Jenkees, his music, is love of music, and the way he is sharing them with everyone, through YouTube. It is also a tribute to YouTube for making this possible.

"Channelship" stands for "Channel Ship" like the ship in the channel in the clip, as well as for "channelship", channel collaboration and exchange, and possibly as well for "Channel's Hip", which is also true now.

Combining an (unretouched) improvised lead on a pattern (inspired by a bass line in Bizets' Carmen Opera ...), to a video improvisation on HaLong Bay with a flying playing round keyboard, this clip salutes the wide open channel offered by YouTube and especially, all the good ships that travel through it.

As the water surfing spheres may represent the YouTube surfers and the sound wave represent the upload and communication processes, somehow, that ship, and that lead, represent Mr. Jenkees contribution and lead.


Enjoy, tell us what you think, stay tuned, and subscribe.


6-Symétrie des modes diatoniques

"6-Symétrie des modes diatoniques" est le 6e clip de "Bases d'harmonie", la série de tutoriels animés. Construisant sur les clips précédents, ce clip considère plus spécifiquement les accords des modes diatoniques, à la symétrie des structures des modes diatoniques et de leur parfaite symétrie l'un à l'autre. Ce clip introduit également les progressions d'accords avec antécédents et conséquents. Un riche contenu qui démontre en 90 secondes ce qui n'avait jamais pu être démontré avec succès auparavent, la parfaite symétrie des modes diatoniques majeurs et mineurs. Avec animation 3D et fractale, ce clip offre un contenu et un contenant originaux à 100%. Ne le manquez pas, revoyez les précédents, observez et contemplez les magnifiques structures naturelles de la musique. Ces clips sont court et parfois denses mais ils se visionnent bien en boucle ... Dites nous ce que vous en pensez et trouvez plus d'information sur le site encyclopédique de MusicNovatory, ainsi que sur les pages de PhenomeneMusique.com.

"6-Symétrie des modes diatoniques":

Ne manquez pas ces animations et sources d'information uniques.

6- Symétrie des modes diatoniques (Diatonic Modes Symmetry)

This week's clip is the French version of the "6- Diatonic Modes Symmetry", the 6th clip in the "Harmony Basics" tutorial series. Enjoy, comment, and subscribe to stay tuned. Thank you.


6- Diatonic Modes Symmetry

6-Diatonic Modes Symmetry is the 6th clip in the "Harmony Basics" animated tutorial series. Building on previous clips, this clip looks at chords in Modes and how the modes are structured symmetrically and are perfectly symmetrical to one another. This clip also starts looking at chord progressions with antecedents and consequents.
A content rich clip that demonstrates, in under 90 seconds, what had never been demonstrated successfully before, the perfect symmetry of the natural diatonic Major and Minor modes. Using 3D animation and fractals, this clip offers both 100% original content and container. Don't miss it and take the time to listen, observe, and understand the natural structures of music. These clips are short and dense but they loop well ... Tell us what you think and find out more from both the MusicNovatory encyclopedic site, as well as this MusicPhenomenon.com portal pages.

"6- Diatonic Modes Symmetry":

Enjoy, tell us what you think, stay tuned, and subscribe.


5- Les accords

Le 5e clip de la série "Bases d'harmonie" décrit plus spécifiquement les accords, avec leurs notes réelles et étrangères, leurs structures et leurs résolutions. En moins de 2 minutes, le clip cerne les premières caractéristiques et comportement naturel des accords. Les accords sont aux fondements de l'harmonie et de la mélodie. Leur compréhension éclaire et définit la verticalité harmonique qui phrase et structure le temps musical. Un clip important sur lequel les prochains pourront construire.

"5- Les accords":

Ne manquez pas ces animations et sources d'information uniques.


Les accords (The Chords)

This week's clip is the French version of the "5- The Chords", the 5th clip in the "Harmony Basics" tutorial series. Enjoy, comment, and subscribe to stay tuned. Thank you.


5- The chords

"5-The Chords" is the 5th clip of the "Harmony Basics" series. Previous clips introduced fundamental concepts about the structure of Harmony. This new clip, begins looking more closely at chords, starting with their structure, their real and foreign tones, their inner tensions, and their ultimate resolutions. In less than 2 minutes, this clips outlines chord characteristics and natural behavior. Chords are fundamental to harmony and melody and their understanding lights-up and defines harmony's verticality which phrases and structures musical time. An important clip that will serve to build the following ones. Do not miss these unique animations and information sources.

"5- The Chords":

Enjoy, tell us what you think, stay tuned, and subscribe.


4-La génération de matériaux de base

Ce 4e clip de la série "Bases d'harmonie" complète le premier groupe de la série. Après avoir expliqué les mystérieux demi-tons et avoir fourni les gammes, le chrominisme de la suite diatonique de 7 quintes fourni également les fondements de l'harmonie, des tonalités, des modes, des accords et de leurs relations et enchainements, ainsi que des fonctions et résolutions des notes. Une composante fascinante de la structure du phénomène naturel de la musique. Alors que ces 4 commencent à introduire quelques concepts fondamentaux, les clips suivants considèrent progressivement comment le chrominisme structure la musique. Ne les manquez pas.

"4- La génération des matériaux de base":

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La génération de matériaux de base (Generating Basic Materials)

Still maintaining our upload rate of 1 clip/week, this week we introduce the French language version of the 4th clip in the "Harmony Basics" tutorial series: 4- Generating Basic Materials, already available here. Subscribe to stay tuned. Thank you.


4- Generating Basic Materials

This 4th clip completes the first section of the "Harmony Basics" series. After explaining the elusive semitones and providing the scales, the chrominicism from the 7 fifths diatonic string also provides the foundation for harmony, tonalities, modes, chords with their relationships and progressions, as well as note functions and their resolutions. A fascinating component of the structure of the natural music phenomenon. While these first 4 clips start to introduce some of the fundamental concepts, the next clips progressively look more closely at how chrominicism naturaly structures Music. Don't miss it.

"4- Generating Basic Materials":

Enjoy, tell us what you think, stay tuned, and subscribe.


Mountain Sea

Another week, another clip. This one, the second in the "Vietnam Images" series , again puts original music to original images and animation. Ridding through Hon Gai in northern Viet Nam, we stopped briefly in a public park in the middle of the fascinating town, riddled with grown mountains, looking out to the "Mountain Sea". The music was inspired from the images.
"Movin'in On To DNAOS":

Enjoy, tell us what you think, stay tuned, and subscribe.

Coming weeks should add new clips to the "Harmony Basics" series. Also, all current 4 clip series have more upcoming clips.


Movin’on to DNAOS

Starting "Busi-Clips", the new (not so) "corporate" presentations series, this week, the first clip is "Movein'on to DNAOS", a 2 min. 3D video animation introducing 01 COMMUNICATIONS' DNAOS virtual profile entitlement technology and solutions, with original music and sound by Telepath, our resident "band".
"Movin'in On To DNAOS":

Enjoy, comment, stay tuned, and subscribe.

It may be interesting to know that this clip is in 2 parts, the general and the technical. In the first part, flying videos represent (shared) content/knowledge, while turning and morphing weels are distributed processes working on the content. The second, more technical (optional) part simply lists some of the services offered by DNAOS solutions. The concentric cercles represent layers of services that are built progressively around the content entitlement kernel. Dragons represent entitlement security. The ball they hold is the shared and processed content that they protect. The voices combine natural, processed, and synthetic voices. Enjoy, comment, subscribe.


Carry & Roll

Starting the new "Vietnam Images" clip series, this week we introduce "Carry & Roll, a short 60 seconds clip on distributed transportation in Vietnam, along with original music and sound, as usual. We hope that you enjoy the clip, the music written by Michel Perrault, and the new series. Here is "Carry & Roll":
"Carry & Roll"

Enjoy, comment, stay tuned, and subscribe.


3- La suite diatonique construit la gamme

Une autre semaine, un autre clip. Nous publions ici aujourd'hui, le troisième clip de la série "Bases d'harmonie": "3- La suite diatonique construit la gamme", disponible également en Anglais: "3- The Diatonic String Builds the Scale". Vos commentaires et contributions sont bien appréciés. Abonnez vous pour être avisé automatiquement des nouveautés.
"3- La suite diatonique construit la gamme"

Structure des gammes diatoniques. Après avoir introduit le chrominisme dans les 2 premiers clips, ce 3e clip de la série "Bases d'harmonie" explique l'origine et la structure des gammes diatoniques, tout en démontrant comment les gammes sont une permutation de la suite naturelle des quintes, que les demitons des gammes diatoniques résultent du chrominisme et que le chrominisme est une composante fondamentale de l'harmonie et de la musique. Ce clip explique également pourquoi les gammes diatoniques ne sont pas uniformes, pourquoi elles ont 5 tons and 2 demitons, pourquoi tous leurs intervales ne sont pas égaux, pourquoi il manque des touches noires sur le piano et pourquoi les tonalités et la portée musicale avec son armature, suivent également la suite des quintes. Si les gammes ne sont pas des composantes fondamentales mais de simples permutations pratiques, quels sont les vrais fondements de la musique et de l'harmonie? Ce clip répond à ces question en seulement 90 secondes. Les clips suivants de la série continuent à résoudre d'autre énigmes sur la musique et son langage, comme jamais auparavant.


La suite diatonique construit la gamme (Diatonic String Builds The Scale)

Another week, another clip. This week we introduce the French language version of the third clip in the "Harmony Basics" tutorial series: 3- The Diatonic String builds the scale, already available here. While we will soon release new clips in this series, we are planning to also open a new series starting next week. Subscribe, stay tuned. Thank you.


3- The Diatonic String Builds The Scale

Keeping up the pace, another week, another clip. This is the third clip in the "Harmony Basics" series, wher after having introduced Chrominicism and introducing the mysterious semitones that break the regularity of the diatonic scales, in the previous clips, we now look at the scales with their structure, role, and generation.

"3- The Diatonic String Builds The Scale"

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The diatonic scales explained. After introducing Chrominicism in the first and second clips, this third clip in the "Harmony Basics" series, explains the origin and structure of diatonic scales while also demonstrating how scales are really permutations of the natural string of fifths, that semi-tones in diatonic scales result from Chrominicism, and that Chrominicism is a fundamental music and harmony component. This also explains why diatonic scales are not uniform, why they have 5 tones and 2 semi-tones, why all steps are not equal, why are there missing black keys on the piano keyboard, as well as why keys and staff follow the string of fifths. If scales are not fundamental components but only accessory permutations, what are the foundations of music and harmony? This clip addresses and resolves these questions in just 90 seconds. More clips will build on this and resolve more major music mysteries, like they have never been before.


2- La suite chromatique des quintes

Tout en maintenant le rythme d'un clip par semaine, nous publions ici aujourd'hui, le second clip de la série "Bases d'harmonie": "2- La suite chromatique des quintes", disponible également en Anglais: "2- The Chromatic String of Fifths". Regardez et écoutez bien car les suivants arrivent bientôt et chacun s'appuie sur les précédents. Nous espérons que vous appréciez et partagez ces connaissances pour une meilleure compréhension du fascinant phénomène naturel de la musique. Vos commentaires et contributions sont bien appréciés. Abonnez vous pour être avisé automatiquement des nouveautés.
"2- La suite chromatique des quintes"

Ce 2e clip de la série "Bases d'harmonie", considère la suite illimitée des quintes et comment elle introduit le phénomène naturel de diésisation et de bémolisation aux racines de l'intuition musicale: le chrominisme, une forme fondamentale de mini-chromatisme, mesuré en crans de 1/7e (0.142857) de demi-ton, ou 1/84e d'octave (12x7), plutôt qu'en demi-tons.


Suite chromatique des quintes (Chromatic String of Fifths)

Another week, another clip. This week we introduce the French language version of the second clip in the Harmony Basics tutorial series: 2- The Chromatic String of Fifths, already available here. We expect to release the third clip in English, in about a week, Subscribe, stay tuned. Thank you.


2- The Chromatic String of Fifths

We managed to get the second clip from a series on Harmony Basics uploaded. Following the first clip, this one takes a moment to look at the source of the chrominicism that imposed the semitones that break the regularity of diatonic scales. Chrominicism stems from the chromatic string of fifths which this clip introduces. The next clip will look more closely at how the chromatic string of fifths builds the scales. Subsequent clips will build on these. Check them out, in sequence if you can, write in your comments, and subscribe to this blog for update and new release notifications. Cheers.

"2- The Chromatic String of Fifths"

Second in the series, this clip shows how the unlimited string of fifths introduces a natural relative flatness/sharpness phenomenon that is at the root of musical intuition. Called Chrominicism, this phenomenon is a form of mini Chromaticism, measured in notches of 1/7th (0,142857) of a semi-tone, or 1/84th of an octave (7x12), rather than in semi-tones.


1- Les mystérieux demitons

Nous publions ici aujourd'hui, le premier clip de la série "Bases d'harmonie": "1- Les mystérieux demitons", disponible également en Anglais: "1- The Elusive Semitones". Regardez et écoutez bien car les suivants arrivent bientôt et chacun s'appuie sur les précédents. Nous espérons que vous appréciez et partagez ces connaissances pour une meilleure compréhension du fascinant phénomène naturel de la musique. Vos commentaires et contributions sont bien appréciés. Merci.
"1- Les mystérieux demitons"

Premier d'une serie de 12 clips tutoriels animes, sur les bases de l'harmonie musicale. Il semble innacceptable qu'encore aujourd'hui, à notre ère, les 2 demi-tons des gammes diatoniques demeurent toujours un mystère. Pourtant, nul n'avait encore jamais élucidé l'énigme et expliqué pourquoi ces demi-tons brisent la régularité de la gamme. N'utilisant que quelques gammes appropriées et en observant leur impact sur les degrés de la gamme, l'énigme est résolue, en tout juste 60 secondes, selon ce clip.


Mystérieux demitons (Elusive Semitones)

This week we introduce the French language version of the first clip in the Harmony Basics tutorial series: 1- The Elusive Semitones, already available here. We expect to release the second clip in English, in about a week, Subscribe, stay tuned. Thank you.


1- The Elusive Semitones

Hi everyone,

We are introducing here the first animated clip from a series on Harmony Basics. These tutorial clips each builds on the previous ones, so they should probably be viewed and studied in sequence. They are meant to share some very fundamental harmonic concepts and structures and to share a deeper understanding of music. We are also assuming that if we have acheived what we have musically, without understanding music any better, that a deeper, intuitive knowledge and understanding could help music evolve importantly. What do you think?
"1- The Elusive Semitones">

First clip in a series on Music Harmony Basics. It seems unacceptable that, in our day and age, the two semi-tones in diatonic scales should remain mysteries. Yet they do, as no one seems to know why they break the regularity of the scale. This 60 seconds look shows why.